What Kind of Professional Environment be Helpful for the Career of BIM Talents—Thoughts on the BIM Consulting Team and Talents
摘要: 社会对BIM人才的需求逐步增加,然而BIM人才却面临技术与职业发展的难题。作者结合在阁朗芙工程公司的带队经历,以及目前在上海优建咨询的BIM团队组建工作,探索适合BIM人才长远发展的职业环境。Abstract: The demand for BIM talents is increasing gradually, while they are facing challenge of both BIM technology and professional development. The author tries to research the facts which affect the long-term personal development for occupational environment of BIM field. The author has the experience of leading BIM team at Ground Floor Engineering, and is on the way of team building at U-Con Engineering Consulting firm.