• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


The Design of Network Financial Reimbursement System

  • 摘要: 为了提高工作效率、减少不安全的现金流动,为项目成本核算系统提供所需要的基础数据,铁三院着手研制基于网络电子流程的费用报销系统以替代传统纸介质的报销审批记账。通过分析传统的报销流程及算法,找出处理效率、安全性、准确性与使用方便的平衡点进行系统设计,研究记账凭证自动处理、分析NC财务管理系统数据结构,设计NC系统与网络报销系统的接口方式,大大减轻了财务人员的工作量,较好地解决了效率、安全性等问题。系统运行结果表明,采取的报销信息的分类、直接采集NC数据库的信息等有效的技术措施解决了科目的自动对应问题,采用的Serverlet接口技术解决了网上报销系统与NC系统的接口安全性问题。系统需在使用中不断完善,电子流程合法有效的签名等问题还需进一步研究实现。


    Abstract: In order to improve efficiency, reduce unsafe cash flow and provide the basic data for Project Cost Accounting System, a web-based Network Financial Reimbursement System was designed to replace the traditional paper-based system. Analyzing the traditional reimbursement processes and finding the balance of efficiency, security, accuracy and convenient, the author studied automatic processing of accounting documents, analyzed data structure of NC Financial Management System and designed the interface for NC System and Network Reimbursement System, which greatly reduced the workload of the finance staff. Running results showed that the classification of reimbursement information and database collection of NC database can realized corresponding automatically. In addition, Serverlet interface technology solved the security issues of Online Reimbursement System and NC System. However, this system still need to be improved and legally valid signature for electronic process and other issues should be studied in the future.


