• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


A Preliminary Study on the Process of BIM Application in Decoration Engineering——A Process of Decoration Model Construction and Application based on Revit

  • 摘要: 在实现绿色建筑全寿命周期过程中,装饰工程是重要一环。因此,研究装饰工程的BIM技术应用流程有重要意义。本文在介绍装饰工程BIM技术应用的研究背景和现实状况的基础上,分析我国当前形成的传统装饰工程设计及施工全过程工作流程的特点及应用软件,基于Revit的BIM技术的应用特点,初步提出了当今装饰工程中BIM技术应用的基本流程,并总结当下在装饰工程实施流程中应用存在的障碍,探讨其在装饰工程中无缝应用的思路,展望未来发展方向。


    Abstract: BIM is an important technology to achieve full life cycle of green building, while decoration project is an indispensable part of achieving a full life cycle of green building.Therefore, it is significant to investigate the process of BIM application in decoration engineering. This paper first presents the researches on BIM application in the decoration engineering and the current practice. Then it analyzes features of the whole design and construction processes of traditional decoration engineering and application software. Based on the features of BIM technology application, the paper proposes the entire process workflow for BIM application in decoration engineering. It also makes a summary on the obstacles Revit-based BIM technology features, initially proposed decoration works in today's BIM technology application of the basic processes and summarizes the current project implementation process in the decorative application obstacles, to explore its application in decorative works seamlessly ideas, look to the future direction of development.


