• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Benefit Analysis of BIM Technology Applied in the Public-Private-Partnership Projects

  • 摘要: PPP项目已经在我国得到大力发展。一般来说,我国的公共部门主要由政府承担。因此,项目既可以得到政策的优势,也可以得到社会专业企业的技术和资金的支持。但PPP项目中对于实施、运维等成本控制有非常高的要求。所以成本透明化,管理直观化、简洁化,都将成为PPP项目成功的关键。文章主要针对BIM技术在PPP项目中的应用策略以及所带来的经济效益进行了论述。


    Abstract: The Public-Private-Partnership projects have been greatly developed in recent years. Generally, in ourcountry, the role of public partnership is always undertaken by the government. Therefore, the project is gaining both the advantages of the policy and the technical and financial support of the social professional enterprises. However, the PPP project also rises high requirements on cost control in theconstruction, operation and maintenance process. Hence, the cost transparency, and visualization and simplicity of management will all be the key points to the success of the PPP project.This paper mainly discusses the application strategiesof BIM technology in PPP project, and the economic benefits of the application.


