BIM (Building Information Modeling), as one of the major innovations in the past decade, has a broad and far-reaching impact on Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry.However, BIM are mostly applied in the design and construction phases of the building, not in the building Life-Cycle Facility Management (FM).Past studies indicate that two thirds of the cost incurred as result of ongoing facility operation and maintenance activies during the building life-cycle.To address this issue, this study aims to propose a novel cloud-based BIM facility management platform (the 9Directions
®solution), accounting for the limitation and chanlleges for the current isolated BIM facility management system, i.e., inframented information, information redundancy, and disconnected information flow or even the loss.By implementing this platform, FM team has a data-enriched, object-oriented, intellegient and paramenter-integreated, database-centralized, cloud-based and visualized BIM FM system, which would greatly improve the efficiency in facility operation and management.A case study is provided finally to demonstrate how to use the 9Directions solution to support facility management in heatlthcare environments.