• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Computer Realization of Pre-Evaluation System on Green Building

  • 摘要: 21世纪人类共同的主题是可持续发展,对于城市建筑来说亦必须由传统高消耗型发展模式转向高效绿色型发展模式,绿色建筑正是实施这一转变的必由之路,是当今世界建筑发展的必然趋势。本文参照绿色建筑设计相关规范要求,提出利用计算机技术建立BIM建筑信息模型,对建筑空间几何信息、建筑空间功能信息、建筑材料以及设备等各专业相关数据信息进行数据集成与一体化管理,为绿色建筑设计相关计算与评估提供必要的分析依据;利用三维数据信息可视化技术实现了以《绿色建筑评价标准》为基础的绿色建筑评价功能,为设计师提供了一个得力的软件工具。


    Abstract: In the 2l century, sustainable development becomes the common theme. For urban construction, development pattern must also be run from the traditional high consumption to green-oriented. Green building is the only way to implement this change and it is also the inevitable trend for today's world. Referring to green building design specifications, this paper proposes the way of constructing 3d integrative BIM (building information modeling) by computer technology. It carry out an integrated management for geometric information of building space, functional information of building space, data integration on geometry information, functional information, building materials, equipments and other related professional data in construction. It provides the necessary basis for analysis for the calculation of green building design and evaluation. The green building evaluation based on the "green building rating standards" is realized by using of three-dimensional data visualization technology. It can provide architect with an effective tools for green building design.


