• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Strategy and Application of 3D Modeling Technical Features in Architectural Design

  • 摘要: 当今社会已经步入数字化的时代,数字技术及其衍生技术的兴起与普及影响着社会的方方面面。20世纪末当建筑设计领域迈入了数字信息化时代,数字技术的发展成果推动了建筑在设计、建造和管理等方面的改变。从近30年的建筑作品中不难体会到造型技术的更新进步对建筑设计影响的痕迹。同时随着人们对数字化设计工具的依赖与日俱增,尤其在一些异形复杂造型的建筑设计之初,应用正确的造型技术直接影响设计的完成度、可建造性和造价控制力。然而由于建筑业的造型技术落后于制造业20年以上,以及从业人员相对缺乏底层基础造型技术原理,难免存在对造型技术的曲解和盲目迷信,或被软件供应商的宣传所绑架而做出不太合理的应用策略。本文就从造型技术及其工艺特点的角度出发,谈一些在建筑设计中如何合理应用造型技术的心得体会。


    Abstract: Currently world already entered digital period, the development and prevalence of digital technology and derivatives technology are affecting all areas of life. In the late 20th Century, architectural design field came into digital information epoch. The development of digital technology promotes changes in architectural design, construction and management. By admiring last 30 years architecture works, it is easy to realize that architecture design is influenced by the updating modeling design technologies. Designers increasingly depend on digital design tools. Especially at the beginning of some complex shaped architecture concept design, applying the right technology strategy will directly affect the finish, construction possibility and cost control. Situation was given that the modeling design technology of architecture is at least 20 years behind the manufacturing industry and the employees lack adequate conception of the technical principle, it is hard to avoid the misinterpret and blind faith in modeling technics and being misled by software provider's commercial publicity. From the angle of modeling technology and technologic features, this article introduced how to apply proper modeling technics in architectural design.


