• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Collaborative Construction based on BIM Standard

  • 摘要: “信息孤岛”现象制约着建筑行业全寿命周期协同管理效率, 各参与方都不愿意主动共享信息, 往往会导致建设后期出现大量的变更。基于统一的BIM标准, 各参与方在投资、设计、施工、竣工阶段的信息严格按照统一BIM标准进行创建、传输, 可以完全解决信息流在传输过程中的失真现象。首先, 打破传统BIM狭义认识, 从广义上将其定位为一种机制, 在此机制下在IFC标准基础上提出并建立BIM标准。其次, 引入熵值表示系统有序的程度, 基于熵和信息技术建立建筑全寿命周期信息传输模型。最后, 在BIM标准和信息传输模型的基础上提出建筑全寿命周期协同框架, 为减少建设后期的变更提供可能, 为解决建筑全过程中“信息孤岛”现象提供基础。


    Abstract: "Information Isolated Island" phenomenon is restricting the construction industry life cycle management efficiency, and the participating parties are reluctant to share information, which often leads to the emergence of a large number of changes in construction.Based on the unified standard of BIM, the information of all the participants in investment, design, construction, completion stage is created and transmitted in strict accordance with the unified BIM standard, avoiding the information flow distortion during transmission.Firstly, breaking the traditional narrow understanding of BIM, its location in the broad sense as a mechanism raises and establishs BIM standards based on IFC standard in this mechanism.Secondly, the introduction of the system entropy value indicates the degree of order to establish the full life cycle of information transmission architecture model based on entropy and information technology.Finally, on the basis of BIM standards and information transmission model, a building life-cycle collaborative framework is proposed, in order to reduce post-construction changes, which provides a basis for solving the whole process of building "Information Isolated Island" phenomenon.


