• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


A Semi-structured BIM Database based on Cloud Computing Platforms

  • 摘要: 近十年来,BIM技术得到快速发展,但现有技术和系统仍难以支持面向建筑全生命期的BIM数据的存储和交换。因此,本研究提出一种基于云计算的BIM数据集成与服务技术,采用NoSql型数据库Hbase实现海量BIM数据的分布式存储和虚拟集成,并支持统一的信息访问。本文着重介绍其中最重要的半结构化BIM数据库的概念模式和实现。该数据库通过有机结合IFC数据模型特性和Hbase的分布式存储等特点,避免了空间浪费以及复杂Join操作等问题。相对于已有BIM数据库,该数据库具有查询效率高、可扩展性好等优势,更适合存储和管理BIM数据,为分布式BIM数据集成与服务技术的实现奠定了良好基础,具有一定的使用价值和应用前景。


    Abstract: In last ten years, building information modeling (BIM) has been rapid development. However, there are still few technologies and applications to support BIM data storage and sharing during building lifecycle. Therefore, a clouding-computing-based BIM data integration and service technology is proposed by this research. It adopts Hbase (a kind of NoSql database) to store massive BIM data on distributed nodes, which are integrated virtually by a clouding computing platform, so that all participants could get their required BIM data with a uniform interface. As one of its most import modules, a semi-structured BIM database is described in detail in this paper. By combing with attributes of Hbase and IFC model, the database addresses many problems, such as space waste due to sparse of IFC model, and lots of join calculations during information query. It's also more efficient and extensible than existed BIM databases. As a conclusion, this database sets a good foundation for clouding-computing-based BIM data integration and service technology, and is valuable for BIM application.


