Digital Design and Construction in Phoenix International Media Center
摘要: 本文由凤凰国际传媒中心项目的设计创意切入,介绍了该建筑由“莫比乌斯”这一设计概念开始,逐步进行深化和建造的过程。文章着重分析了数字化技术是如何应用在建筑设计、技术深化以及加工建造等诸多方面,以及数字化技术对此项目实践所带来的积极意义。Abstract: The article about Phoenix International Media Center starts from the concept "Mobius stripe", intending to introduce the whole progress of design and construction. It especially focus on the practical application of Digital design and fabribation, such as architectural design, fabrication and construction. It also intends to illustrate the value of Digital technology.