• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


BIM-based Space and Facility Management System Research Study

  • 摘要: BIM技术正在潜移默化的逐步改变传统的建筑设计、施工和运维模式。目前在建筑的设计、施工阶段,BIM技术已经得到了极其广泛的应用,并且产生了巨大的经济效益。但BIM技术的价值并不仅仅局限于此,在建筑的运维阶段,BIM同样能产生极其巨大的应用价值。本文通过对基于BIM的建筑空间与设备运维管理系统的研究,力求探索出一条BIM技术在建筑运维管理阶段应用的解决思路,为实现高效、安全、舒适、经济的建筑运维管理目标寻找突破点。


    Abstract: BIM technology is changing traditional architect design, construction management and operation works suliminally. Today BIM technologies have been heavily adopted in design and construction phases, and gained tremendously in economic return. However, the value of BIM technologies are far beyond, it also creates huge value in operation phase. This article is to analyze BIM based space and facility management system, to find a solution for adopting BIM in building operation management phase. The purpose is to achieve breakthrough impact in efficiency, safety, comfort, and economy in operation phase.


