• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


What is the Success Way for Engineering Firms to Adopt BIM?

  • 摘要: 经过前面若干年的实践和普及,大家都知道BIM只是工具而不是目的,并且认识到BIM的成功应用很难靠个人单打独斗来完成,需要企业自上而下的统一组织和规划。问题是企业用什么方法来开展BIM应用比较容易成功呢?本文分析了目前常见的“BIM型BIM小组”、“年轻人负责BIM应用”、“全员BIM”等几种企业BIM应用方法,提出“项目型BIM小组”是企业BIM应用的成功路线。


    Abstract: After several years' practice and popularization, most people understand that BIM is only a tool but not the goal.While it's hard to adopt BIM successfully by single person, it needs top down strategic planning.The question is in which way the engineering firms could implement BIM successfully? This paper provides an answer called "Project type BIM group" after analyzing couple existing popular way such as "BIM type BIM group", "Junior employee leading BIM" and "Everyone BIM".


