Brep-based the Obtainment for Arc Beam Information of IFC
摘要: 本文研究了IFC不规则构件信息的获取方法, 提出一种基于Brep(Boundary representation)技术表达的弧形梁转换的简化算法。通过程序对简化算法进行实例应用, 结果表明, 该理论有助于从建筑模型到结构模型转换中对不规则构件信息正确的提取。Abstract: The method to get the information from IFC irregular model is studied in this paper.A simplified algorithm is presented in this paper using to express arc-beam.In order to validate the theory mentioned above, a sample application is studied at the end of the paper.The study results show that the theory presented in this paper can help to obtain modal information accurately from architectural model to structural model.