2016, 8(3): 32-38. doi: 10.16670/j.cnki.cn11-5823/tu.2016.03.06
1. | 中国建筑第五工程局东北公司, 沈阳 110000 |
2. | 中国建筑股份有限公司技术中心, 北京 101300 |
Study on the Incentive System of the Component Library
1. | Northeast Branch of China Construction Fifth Engineering Division Co., Ltd., Shenyang 110000, China |
2. | Technical Center of China State Construction Engineering Co., Ltd., Beijing 101300, China |
佘长岗, 刘文伍, 罗兰. 基于BIM构件库的激励机制研究[J]. 土木建筑工程信息技术,
2016, 8(3): 32-38.
doi: 10.16670/j.cnki.cn11-5823/tu.2016.03.06
She Changgang, Liu Wenwu, Luo Lan. Study on the Incentive System of the Component Library[J]. Journal of Information Technologyin Civil Engineering and Architecture,
2016, 8(3): 32-38.
doi: 10.16670/j.cnki.cn11-5823/tu.2016.03.06
摘要:BIM构件库是提升BIM技术应用水平的重要保障, 但如何能持续高效地收集到更高质量的资源, 需要对构件库的激励机制进行深入研究。作者对运营良好的国内外BIM平台及门户网站的激励制度进行了调研归纳; 同时面向BIM技术一线应用人群设计调研问卷, 对国内BIM构件库的发展现状进行了总结, 整理出从业者对BIM构件库激励机制的需求。为探究适用于广大BIM技术应用人群的高效激励制度, 作者采用聚类分析法, 将受访者按年龄进行划分, 探究BIM技术从业者对物质激励因素及精神激励因素的认可程度及其客观规律, 文章最后根据调研总结及数据分析结论, 给出了BIM构件库框架下的具体激励机制措施。
Abstract: BIM component library is an important safeguard to improve application of the BIM technology. To effectively and constantly collect better quality resources, in-depth study on the incentive system of the component library is needed. The incentive system of domestic and international BIM platforms and portal sites in good condition are investigated and summarized. Also, questionnaires designed for BIM front line customers are completed. Developments of domestic BIM component library are summarized. Practitioner demands for the BIM component library are analyzed. To explore efficiency incentive system suitable to most of BIM customers, the clustering methodology is used. By grouping interviewees by age, objective laws and recognition of BIM customers of material incentive factor and spiritual incentive factor are explored. Based on investigation and data analysis, concrete incentive measures in BIM Component Library framework are finally given.
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