2016, 8(6): 79-83. doi: 10.16670/j.cnki.cn11-5823/tu.2016.06.15
云南省建设投资控股集团有限公司, 昆明 650501 |
Engineering Project Management Informatization——The Only Way which must be Passed for International Project Risk Control Management
Yunnan Construction and Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd., Kunming 650501, China |
曾继红. 工程项目管理信息化——国际工程项目风险管理必由之路[J]. 土木建筑工程信息技术,
2016, 8(6): 79-83.
doi: 10.16670/j.cnki.cn11-5823/tu.2016.06.15
Zeng Jihong. Engineering Project Management Informatization——The Only Way which must be Passed for International Project Risk Control Management[J]. Journal of Information Technologyin Civil Engineering and Architecture,
2016, 8(6): 79-83.
doi: 10.16670/j.cnki.cn11-5823/tu.2016.06.15
摘要:近期, 住建部发布《2016-2020年建筑业信息化发展纲要》, 充分发挥信息化在建筑业发展中的支撑和引领作用, 落实国家大数据战略、互联网+行动等相关要求, 大力推进建筑业信息化。形成一批在信息化上具有较强创新能力、达到国际先进水平的信息化建筑企业, 塑造工业化、绿色化、智能化新型建筑业态。建筑业的信息化, 必将以项目信息化为基础。没有项目管理的信息, 就没有建筑业的信息。没有项目管理的信息, 就没有项目管理的现代化。没有项目管理的信息化, 就没有项目管理的国际化。没有项目管理的国际化, 就没有建筑企业的国际化。本文从除了政治和战争等不可抗力的风险因素外, 论述了信息化技术的充分运用是国际工程项目进行风险管理的利器之一。
Abstract: The newly released < Outline for Construction Industry Information Development from 2016 -2020 > by Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Construction of China have played a leading and supporting role in the development of cnstruction industry, to implement big data strategy and Internet plus Action to promote construction industry information development, form a group of construction companies with strong innovation and reach to international advanced level, as well as new industrialization, green, intelligent construction format. The foundation for construction industry information development is project informatization. There will be no construction industry information if there is no project management modernization. There will be no project management internationalization if there is no project management information. There will be no construction companies internationalization if there is no project management internationalization. Besides force majeure like political and war, this article discusses fully implementation of information technology which bases on project management is the one of the risk control weapon for construction company going abroad.
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