2014, 6(1): 14-19.
基于Solibri Model Checker的BIM模型质量检查方法探究
1. | 广州大学 广大-优比研究生培养创新基地,广州 510006 |
2. | 广州优比建筑咨询有限公司,广州 510630 |
Inquiry of the Method of BIM Model Checking based Solibri Model Checker
1. | Department of civil Engineering, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510006, China |
2. | Guangzhou u-bim Construction Consulting Co., Ltd., Guangzhou 510630, China |
吉久茂, 童华炜, 张家立. 基于Solibri Model Checker的BIM模型质量检查方法探究[J]. 土木建筑工程信息技术,
2014, 6(1): 14-19.
Ji jiumao, Tong huawei, Zhang jiali. Inquiry of the Method of BIM Model Checking based Solibri Model Checker[J]. Journal of Information Technologyin Civil Engineering and Architecture,
2014, 6(1): 14-19.
摘要:BIM模型的正确性与协调一致性是BIM技术应用的基础。本文介绍了关于模型检查工作的基本现状,简述了建筑、结构专业的模型检查的基本内容和方法。主要借助芬兰Solibri公司的模型检查软件Solibri Model Checker(SMC) v8.0对BIM模型质量的检查方法和流程进行了初步探究。
Abstract: The correct and consistent model is the foundation of the application of BIM technology. This paper introduces the basic situation of model checking, brief descriped the basic content and method of the Architecture model checking and structure model checking. Mainly take advantage of the Solibri company of Finland, a software of model checking named Solibri Model Checker (SMC) to finish the work. Inspection method and process of the quality of BIM model has been carried on the preliminary inquiry.
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