2019, 11(4): 121-126. doi: 10.16670/j.cnki.cn11-5823/tu.2019.04.18
佛山市测绘地理信息研究院,佛山 528000 |
Research and Implementation of New Informatized Platform for Urban Governance under Background of One-Stop Government Service Reformation
Foshan Serveying Mapping and Geoinformation Research Institute, Foshan 528000, China |
管雯君, 朱广堂. “一门式”政务改革背景下的新型城市治理信息平台研究与实现[J]. 土木建筑工程信息技术,
2019, 11(4): 121-126.
doi: 10.16670/j.cnki.cn11-5823/tu.2019.04.18
Guan Wenjun, Zhu Guangtang. Research and Implementation of New Informatized Platform for Urban Governance under Background of One-Stop Government Service Reformation[J]. Journal of Information Technologyin Civil Engineering and Architecture,
2019, 11(4): 121-126.
doi: 10.16670/j.cnki.cn11-5823/tu.2019.04.18
Abstract: With the advancement of the new urbanization construction, the interest pattern among various social groups in the city has been differentiated, the density of the central urban areas in coastal developed cities has been continuously improved, and the public affairs have been increasing. Hence, the traditional urban governance model is facing reformation and transformation, and the one-stop government service appears. Foshan Chancheng District has seized the opportunities brought by simplified administration and technological revolution like big data, daring to break through and innovate. Now the innovative measures of Chancheng City have reached the leading level in China. Also, with the support of spatio-temporal data technology, various operational data of different elements of the city are collected and integrated, to provide data and technical support for decision-making and departmental collaboration in the process of urban governance. This paper firstly sorts out the current situation and problems of urban governance in China, and then analyzes the practical application mode and method from three core aspects of overall structure, technological innovation and business application, emphasizing on the innovative mode and specific application framework of the new urban governance informatized platform under the background of one-stop government service reformation. Different application results of big data are elaborated in depth in urban governance of Chancheng District, Foshan City. The works in this paper will provide theoretical guidance and reference for the practice of intelligent urban governance in China.
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