2015, 7(3): 1-15.
BRE集团,Bucknalls巷,沃特福德WD259XX,赫特福德郡,英国 |
BIM-It's about the Planet
BRE Group, Bucknalls Lane, Watford WD259XX, Hertfordshire, UK |
凯斯·斯努克, 曹春莉. BIM是关于整个星球的[J]. 土木建筑工程信息技术,
2015, 7(3): 1-15.
Keith Snook, Cao Chunli. BIM-It's about the Planet[J]. Journal of Information Technologyin Civil Engineering and Architecture,
2015, 7(3): 1-15.
Abstract: This paper is based on historical and current activities in the UK but does, where appropriate make reference to developments and parallells elsewhere. It starts with and acknowleges the realisation that we must do something about the depletion of our planet's resources and finishes with a suggestion that by joining the appropriate data together we stand a better chance of doing that. In terms of the construction industry, it starts with a quote from a leading architect of 90 years ago to a world where we are enveloped in data and undergoing an attitude change. The paper proposes that as much data as possible should be freely avaialbe to enrich social life and enterpise collaboration.The role of the built environment and particularly the construction industry that produces it is the main focus of the paper, tracing that industry's relative failings in communications, teamwork and adoption of technology. BIM is the current push and there are high expectations for its capacity to enable the necessary changes and the UK is taking this very seriously, so much that the eyes of the world are now turned towards it and by considered measures it is now generally regarded to be leading as it is highly likely that standards and guidance prepared for the UK market will become internationalised.It will be up to the industry to capitlaise in this situation.
[1] |
"From the dawn of civilization to 2003, five exabytes (1018) of data were created. The same amount was created in the last two days. " Google CEO Eric Schmidt speaking in the keynote presentation at the Guardian's Activate summit 2010, which addressed "society, humanity, technology and the Web". |
[2] |
Brundtland is probably the most widely accepted formal definition. The first part of this is: "Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. " |
[3] |
Main hypothesis of A Report for the Government Construction Client Group-BIM working strategy Client Group 2011. |
[4] |
Big Data is generally reckoned to be collections of data beyond current data handling capability and as such is constantly advancing. Gartner(US IT research and advisory organisation) defines it as: "Big data is high volume, high velocity, and/or high variety information assets that require new forms of processing to enable enhanced decision making, insight discovery and process optimization" |
[5] |
https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/207772/Open_Data_Charter. pdfhttps://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/207772/Open_Data_Charter.pdf. |
[6] |
This term is the widely used to mean 'confrontational and antagonistic' implying something negative; and is used in this manner in this paper. However, technically the UK legal system is classified as 'adversarial' (in contrast to the inquisitorial system such as Napoleonic Law in much of Europe) so in the pure contextual definition of the word it does not confer anything negative. |
[7] |
A survey of 60, 000 UK IT budget holders undertaken by the Journal 'Computer Weekly' stated: "Large construction firms spend an average of £10, 285 per desktop each year on IT-more than 20% above the UK-wide business average of £8, 455. This differential is even more marked in small and medium sized construction firms, where the average spend is £5, 307 per desktop against an SME industry average of £3, 132. " |
[8] |
CPIc is the Construction Project Information Committee, responsible for providing best practice guidance on the content, form and preparation of construction production information (CPI), and making sure this best practice is disseminated throughout the UK construction industry. It comprises representation from: RIBA, RICS, CC, ICE, CIAT, CIBSE, CIOB. |
[9] |
Latham, M. (1994), Constructing the Team, London: HMSO. ISBN 978-0-11-752994-6. |
[10] |
Egan, J. (1998) Rethinking Construction: Report of the Construction Task Force, London: HMSO. |
[11] |
Building Down Barriers: a guide to Construction Best Practice (2003) Clive Cain; Routledge ISBN 0415289635. |
[12] |
Types of value are taken from The Value handbook (2006) published by CABE and written by Dr Sebastian Macmillan of Eclipse Research Consultants ISBN 1 84633 0122 2. |
[13] |
Achieving Quality on Building Sites NEDO (1987) ISBN 0729208397. Also BRE current paper 7/81 Quality control on building Sites. |
[14] |
Project information is defined as the information from designers necessary to tell the constructors what to build. |
[15] |
Augmenting Human Intellect: A conceptual framework (1962). Stanford Research Institute for the (then) US Director of Information Sciences, Air Force Office of Scientific Research. |
[16] |
BuildingSMART, formerly the International Alliance for Interoperability (IAI), is an international organisation which aims to improve the exchange of information between software applications used in the construction industry |
[17] |
Link to view video (current April 2015): -http://constructioncode.blogspot.co.uk/2012/07/end-of-babel-ifc-promotional-video.html |
[18] |
Building SMART has developed Industry Foundation Classes (IFCs) as a neutral and open specification for Building Information Models |
[19] |
Government construction Strategy: (2011) Cabinet Office (link current April 2015https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/61152/Government-Construction-Strategy_0.pdf) |
[20] |
Industrial strategy: government and industry in partnership. (2011) HM Government. Building Information Modelling |
[21] |
A PAS is a Publicly Available Specification-a type of document issued by BSI to serve a number of purposes; here to get an advance version of a 'standard' into the marketplace for use and development ahead of its permissible publication as a BS. In this case the document contains non-normative information so has to be in circulation as a PAS for around 18 months prior to being reissued as a BS. There are a number of documents under the "1192" nomenclature and it is likely that that once all of these are available for full BS publication they may be slightly reordered into a homogeneous set. |
[22] | |
[23] |
http://www.breeam.org/filelibrary/BREEAM%20Com-munities/Introduction_to_BREEAM_Communities.pdf |
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