2014, 6(2): 6-9.
1. | 北方工业大学,北京 100044 |
2. | 中国建筑标准设计研究院,北京 100048 |
Case Study of BIM Structure Design Data Transmitting Problem between Bentley ABD and STAAD.pro
1. | North China University of Technology, Beijing 100043, China |
2. | China Institute of Building Standard Design and Research, Beijing 100048, China |
杨鹏飞, 张洪伟, 高兴华. 基于ABD的BIM物理模型与结构分析模型数据链接的案例分析[J]. 土木建筑工程信息技术,
2014, 6(2): 6-9.
Yang Pengfei, Zhang Hongwei, Gao Xinghua. Case Study of BIM Structure Design Data Transmitting Problem between Bentley ABD and STAAD.pro[J]. Journal of Information Technologyin Civil Engineering and Architecture,
2014, 6(2): 6-9.
摘要:近年来,随着BIM技术在我国建筑设计行业的快速应用,与之相关的BIM核心建模软件与各设计专业软件之间的数据共享问题也越来越多,本文从结构专业的角度,通过实际工程探讨BIM核心建模软件AECOsim Building Designer(以下简称ABD)与结构专业软件STAAD.Pro数据共享问题,总结BIM技术在当前结构分析和设计中应用的切实有效方法。
Abstract: In recent years, with the rapid application of BIM technology in the architectural design industry in China, problem between the professional software and BIM core modeling software became more and more. From the aspect of the structure, based on the BIM core modeling software AECOsim Building Designer (ABD) and the structure of professional software STAAD.Pro data sharing, this paper discussed the effective method of application of BIM technology in the structural analysis and design.
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