2020, 12(1): 105-109. doi: 10.16670/j.cnki.cn11-5823/tu.2020.01.16
南京武家嘴建设有限公司, 南京 211316 |
Application of BIM Technology in Reconstruction of Historical Buildings
Nanjing Wujiazui Construction Co., Ltd., Nanjing 210019, China |
魏泉铭. BIM技术在历史保护建筑改造中的应用[J]. 土木建筑工程信息技术,
2020, 12(1): 105-109.
doi: 10.16670/j.cnki.cn11-5823/tu.2020.01.16
Wei Quanming. Application of BIM Technology in Reconstruction of Historical Buildings[J]. Journal of Information Technologyin Civil Engineering and Architecture,
2020, 12(1): 105-109.
doi: 10.16670/j.cnki.cn11-5823/tu.2020.01.16
Abstract: In view of the characteristics of historical building reconstruction, this paper analyzes the difficulties existed in the historical building reconstruction, and studies and summarizes the technical route of BIM application in protection of historical buildings, which introduces the BIM technology into protection and renovation of historical buildings. The paper investigates the application of BIM technology in the historical buildings, and discusses through case studies how to comprehensively improve the feasibility of BIM application in historical building protection and reconstruction in accordance with current production management methods.
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