2018, 10(4): 7-11. doi: 10.16670/j.cnki.cn11-5823/tu.2018.04.02
中国中铁工程设计咨询集团有限公司济南设计院,济南 250022 |
Integrated BIM Application in Hongdao High Speed Railway Station Project
Jinan Design Institute, China Railway Engineering Consulting Group Co., Ltd., Jinan 250022, China |
王晓刚, 李天阳. 红岛高铁站房BIM综合应用[J]. 土木建筑工程信息技术,
2018, 10(4): 7-11.
doi: 10.16670/j.cnki.cn11-5823/tu.2018.04.02
Wang Xiaogang, Li Tianyang. Integrated BIM Application in Hongdao High Speed Railway Station Project[J]. Journal of Information Technologyin Civil Engineering and Architecture,
2018, 10(4): 7-11.
doi: 10.16670/j.cnki.cn11-5823/tu.2018.04.02
摘要:济青高铁工程红岛站是全国首个海景高铁站,建筑规模较大约70 000m2,工程涉及到的专业多,图纸版本多,设计配合难度较大,施工过程中,工序复杂,施工组织难度大。通过从设计阶段到施工阶段的全过程BIM技术应用,利用协同管理平台、施工管理平台、构件库平台构建完整的实施流程和体系,实现施工图设计各专业间信息有效沟通和协同效率,提升图纸的深度和质量,提高建设单位对施工过程的控制水平和能力,增强建设管理工作的预见性、主动性和可控性,保障站房工程的建设质量,提升建设管理信息化水平,为BIM技术在铁路站房工程中的BIM应用流程和体系提供了有效的解决方案。
Abstract: The HongDao Station for the Jinan-Qingdao high-speed railway project is the first station with sea-view in China, with construction scale of about 70 000 square meters. The project involves plenty of specialties and a wide number of drawings, which brings great difficulty to design coordination. The working procedure in the construction process is also complicated, making the organization of construction difficult as well. The BIM technology is applied in the whole process from the design to construction stage, and the cooperative management platform, the construction management platform and the component library platform are all used to build a complete implementation process and system, so as to realize the effective communication and cooperation of information among various specialties of construction drawing design, and improve the depth and quality of drawings, as well as the management capability of construction companies during the construction process. Therefore, the predictability, initiative and controllability of construction management are enhanced, the station building is ensured in construction quality, and the informatized construction management is improved. The works in this paper provide effective solution for the BIM application process and system in railway station building projects.
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