2014, 6(1): 92-96.
1. | 沈阳建筑大学BIM工程中心, 沈阳 110168 |
2. | 沈阳建筑大学土木工程学院, 沈阳 110168 |
3. | 沈阳三三牌阀门制造有限公司, 沈阳, 110168 |
Research on the Application of BIM Technology in Engineering Construction Project
1. | BIM Engineering Center of Shenyang Jianzhu University, Shen Yang 110168, China |
2. | College of Civil Engineering, Shenyang Jianzhu University, Shen Yang 110168, China |
3. | Shenyang Three Three Brand Valve Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Shen Yang 110168, China |
李亭亭, 吴献, 尹莉, 韩进宇, 艾新, 段梦恩, 陈娜. BIM技术在工程建设项目中的应用研究[J]. 土木建筑工程信息技术,
2014, 6(1): 92-96.
Li Tingting, Wu Xian, Yin Li, Han Jinyu, Ai Xin, Duan Mengen, Chen Na. Research on the Application of BIM Technology in Engineering Construction Project[J]. Journal of Information Technologyin Civil Engineering and Architecture,
2014, 6(1): 92-96.
摘要:近些年, 随着国内建筑业的快速发展, BIM(建筑信息模型)技术在我国工程建设领域获得越来越广泛地认同和应用。BIM在工程项目的设计、施工、后期运营维护等整个生命周期中都能发挥至关重要的作用。本文在研究国内外建筑行业发展现状的基础上, 着重研究了BIM技术在国内建筑业设计、施工、运营维护等各阶段的应用价值、遇到的障碍以及克服的方法, 并对国内BIM技术的发展做出了展望。
Abstract: In recent years, along with the rapid development of domestic construction, BIM (Building Information Modeling) technology has been more and more widely accepted and applied in the field of engineering construction in China. BIM plays a vital role in the full life circle of an engineering project, such as designing, construction, operation and maintenance. Based on the research of the current situation of construction industry development both at home and abroad, this paper studied the application value, obstacles and solutions of BIM technology in the designing, construction, operation and maintenance and other stages in domestic construction industry, and the development of the domestic BIM technology has been prospected.
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