2016, 8(6): 100-105. doi: 10.16670/j.cnki.cn11-5823/tu.2016.06.19
1. | 上海建工集团股份有限公司, 上海 200062 |
2. | 上海建集团工程总院, 上海 200070 |
3. | 上海自动化仪表院, 上海 200062 |
4. | 上海建工五建集团, 上海 200062 |
Prefabricated BIM Component Management Platform based on RFID Technology
1. | Shanghai Construction Group Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200062, China |
2. | Shanghai Construction Research Center, Shanghai 200070, China |
3. | Shanghai Automatic Research Center, Shanghai 200062, China |
4. | Shanghai Construction Group NO. 5 Ltd., Shanghai 200062, China |
王美华, 高路, 范志宏, 翟韦, 侯羽中, 林捷. 基于无线射频技术的BIM预制构件物流管理平台研究[J]. 土木建筑工程信息技术,
2016, 8(6): 100-105.
doi: 10.16670/j.cnki.cn11-5823/tu.2016.06.19
Wang Meihua, Gao Lu, Fan Zhihong, Di Wei, Hou Yuzhong, Lin Jie. Prefabricated BIM Component Management Platform based on RFID Technology[J]. Journal of Information Technologyin Civil Engineering and Architecture,
2016, 8(6): 100-105.
doi: 10.16670/j.cnki.cn11-5823/tu.2016.06.19
摘要:为了适应市场经济和社会的生产发展趋势, 国内外都对预制装配式的建筑技术进行着深入的研究。本文基于现在已有的技术形式对预制化构件的物流管理方式和维护保修方式进行探讨, 以实际项目运用成果作为反馈。旨在做到对预制构件从生产加工到运输堆放再到调试安装最后到维护检修整个过程的全程可视, 便于管理人员根据工程的实际情况调整方式, 这样利用有限的维护资源可以最大限度地保障预制构件的后续使用质量, 进而提高了预制构件在物流方面和维护方面资源配给的精确性和总体调度效能。
Abstract: In order to adapt to the market economy and the development trend of social production, China and abroad are doing the deep researches on prefabricated construction technology. This paper is based on the existing technical forms of prefabricated components of the logistics management and maintenance of maintenance methods, using actual project application achievements as feedback, in order to accomplishthe whole process visualizationonthe prefabricatedcomponents from production and processing to the transportation and storage, finally from debugging and installationto maintenance and overhaul. Itis easy for managers to adjust the way according to the actual situations of the project, toensure a maximum limit of quality for the prefabricated components sevice through making use of the limited maintenance resources, also improve the accuracy and overall scheduling effectiveness of resource allocation in logistics and maintenance of the prefabricated components.
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