2013, 5(3): 94-97.
中国航空规划建设发展有限公司,北京 100120 |
Application of BIM Technology in the Development and Utilization of City Underground Space
China Aviation Planing and Construction Development Co., Ltd., Beijing 100120, China |
任江, 郭娜, 钟崇光. BIM技术在城市地下空间开发利用之应用初探[J]. 土木建筑工程信息技术,
2013, 5(3): 94-97.
Ren Jiang, Guo Na, Zhong Chongguang. Application of BIM Technology in the Development and Utilization of City Underground Space[J]. Journal of Information Technologyin Civil Engineering and Architecture,
2013, 5(3): 94-97.
Abstract: The emergence of BIM technology promote a second revolution of the construction field, while the urban underground space development in China is still in primary stage. Taking BIM technology applied to the underground space development as an innovation point, this paper tried to parse and discuss BIM technology that is feasible in the underground development. The paper first briefly discussed the current status, characteristics, problems of underground space development and utilization, and BIM technology. Then the BIM technology being applied to the special subject of underground space was raised, and at last the prospects of sustainable development of China's underground space was described.
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