2010, 2(4): 89-93.
奥雅纳工程咨询有限公司北京分公司, 北京 100020 |
General Discussing of BIM Technology Application in Structure Design
Arup International Consultants Co., Ltd., Beijing 100020 |
龙辉元. BIM技术应用于结构设计的探讨与案例[J]. 土木建筑工程信息技术,
2010, 2(4): 89-93.
Long Huiyuan. General Discussing of BIM Technology Application in Structure Design[J]. Journal of Information Technologyin Civil Engineering and Architecture,
2010, 2(4): 89-93.
摘要:本文就笔者在基于BIM技术的Autodesk Revit Structure工具软件应用实践中的体会和遇到的问题,通过具体的结构设计案例来探讨和分析BIM技术应用于建筑结构设计中的难点和阻力,旨在给BIM技术工具软件和结构设计分析软件的开发和应用者一些启迪。
Abstract: Based on author's practice and a real case in using BIM technology software tool of Autodesk Revit Structure, the difficult issues and obstacle of applying BIM technology in structure design are generally discussed and analysed. This paper offers some guidance for the structure engineers who are using or developing the BIM technology tools and the structure analysis software.
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Computers and Structures, Inc. CSI分析参考手册, 2004, 9. |
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