2020, 12(6): 109-117. doi: 10.16670/j.cnki.cn11-5823/tu.2020.06.18
1. | 中铁建华南建设有限公司,广州 511458 |
2. | 中铁二十五局集团有限公司,广州 511458 |
Guangzhou Metro Lines 18 and 22 Based on BIM Project Management Platform Research and Application
1. | China Railway Construction South China Construction Co., Ltd., Guangzhou 511458, China |
2. | China Railway 25th Bureau Group Co., Ltd., Guangzhou 511458, China |
陈前, 魏章俊, 许城瑜. 广州地铁十八和二十二号线基于BIM的项目管理平台的研究与应用[J]. 土木建筑工程信息技术,
2020, 12(6): 109-117.
doi: 10.16670/j.cnki.cn11-5823/tu.2020.06.18
Chen Qian, Wei Zhangjun, Xu Chengyu. Guangzhou Metro Lines 18 and 22 Based on BIM Project Management Platform Research and Application[J]. Journal of Information Technologyin Civil Engineering and Architecture,
2020, 12(6): 109-117.
doi: 10.16670/j.cnki.cn11-5823/tu.2020.06.18
Abstract: In recent years, the application of BIM and Internet of Things technology has improved the information level of engineering projects. The application of single solution such as 4D simulation, collision check and face recognition are relatively mature, but we still face difficulties in the landing especially the application of BIM. The management concepts and methods have not been changed, and there are not many applications that really deep into the construction work surface. The project management system and BIM technologies are less integrated. This paper has combined the actual project general contracting management mode of Guangzhou Metro Lines 18 and 22 and the actual demands of the participating parties to develop a BIM-based project management platform, which is applied to the entire line of 18 and 22 lines. The project implementation phase, from the development of intelligent design plug-ins to the refined project management application in the construction phase, to the final digital handover. The practice shows that the research has achieved the collection and sharing of engineering data, drives the project management with data analysis, achieve the information coordination of the project participants, reduces the communication cost of all parties that have been involved in the construction, and makes the general contract management establish in real, real-time, effective and above the number of correlations. Therefore, the level of scientific management in the process of subway construction has been improved.
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