doi: 10.16670/j.cnki.cn11-5823/tu.2016.03.09
By the fine design of BIM and using a unified data source, the sustainability of the whole process of the design data can be maintained, the design can be optimized, and the design works can achieve the requirements of green building. Besides, digital simulation software are used to stimulate and analyze the lights, the winds, the environments, the load, and the personnel evacuation through Ecotect, Fluent, Abaqus and Pathfinder. The results of simulation can optimize building window, the building shading, the building aseismicity, and the evacuation of buildings and renewable energy utilization as well. This method not only improves the design quality but also ensures the design of safety and energy saving, and eco-friendly sustainability, which facilitates the library′s indoor and outdoor environment for both study and life, and thus realizes the harmony among human beings, the architecture and the nature.
Based on the current situation of the domestic BIM technology and facility management, the article explores and studies facility management based on BIM model through SWOT analysis. It puts forward proposals for facility management services.
2014,6(6):109-111, 116.
Combining the development of domestic current situation of the BIM and facility management, the paper discusses and analyzes the application value of BIM mode for facility management from the perspective of large commercial buildings.