2020, 12(1): 110-116. doi: 10.16670/j.cnki.cn11-5823/tu.2020.01.17
大连理工大学 建设工程学部, 大连 116024 |
Parametric Modeling of Polyhedron Based on Secondary Development of Revit
Faculty of Infrastructure Engineering, Dalian University if Technology, Dalian 116024, China |
李畅, 王子茹. 基于Revit二次开发的多面体参数化建模[J]. 土木建筑工程信息技术,
2020, 12(1): 110-116.
doi: 10.16670/j.cnki.cn11-5823/tu.2020.01.17
Li Chang, Wang Ziru. Parametric Modeling of Polyhedron Based on Secondary Development of Revit[J]. Journal of Information Technologyin Civil Engineering and Architecture,
2020, 12(1): 110-116.
doi: 10.16670/j.cnki.cn11-5823/tu.2020.01.17
摘要:基于参数化设计的思想以及Revit提供的程序接口API(Application Programming Interface),结合类Weaire-Phelan多面体(简称类WP多面体)的数学理论,在Revit中进行二次开发,得到类WP多面体的参数化建模插件。插件通过窗体程序和控制参数实现了类WP多面体基本单元的建模、选型和基本组合的建模。通过实例验证了该插件在类WP多面体选型过程的正确性。本研究成果可直接用于BIM产生多面体空间结构。
Abstract: Based on the idea of parametric design and the Application Programming Interface (API) of Revit, this paper applies the mathematical theory of semi Weaire-Phelan (WP) polyhedron for the secondary development of Revit to achieve the parametric modeling plug-in for semi WP polyhedron. Through the plug-in, users are able to achieve the modeling and type selection of theory of semi WP polyhedron, as well as the modeling of basic combinations, by using the form program and controlling parameters. Practical case studies have verified the correctness of the application of this program in the type selection progress of semi WP polyhedron. The study results can be directly applied in the BIM model to generate spatial structures with polyhedrons.
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